Wildflower Walk 4

Post date: Apr 06, 2016 5:56:34 PM

Petunia and I set out again, as we try to do every so often... for Petunia's sake, we have to go for our walks in the spring, because later, the foxtail barley and ripgut brome will be letting go of their seeds and the seeds are very good about getting into dog eyes, noses, and paws. When that time comes, Petunia will have to stay on her leash so that she doesn't run through the stands of these evil grasses.

In the meantime in mid- to late-March - the Chinese houses (Collinsia) (two photos left and middle) were just getting started. Blue eyed grass (on right) was in full swing.

California poppies were continuing to wind up. The photos below, especially the one on the right, shows the poppies with lots of brome (not a particularly bad one) blooming too, as typical, on a sunny canyon wall.

Chinese houses, above, whorls of purple flowers, were continuing to bloom in the canyons where they get lots of shade and a little sun.

And lupine, left, was getting going on canyon floors.

On really dry stony canyon walls and ridgetops, chia was blooming - below - very hard to see, these tiny intense cobalt-blue flowers on tiny spiny plants.

In the same neighborhood as the chia, I saw this soap plant (below), with its characteristic wavy-edged leaves. It is a common plant on canyon walls, not blooming yet.

The yellow-flowered Johnny jump ups, or violas, were still blooming in the shady canyons.

Also in the shady canyons, the beautiful red Indian paintbrush, and white yarrow just beginning to bloom. Yarrow is a particular favorite of mine. How many favorites do I have??

And another Malacothrix, below.

Finally, on this walk, Petunia on a sunny grassy hillside, and Petunia in a canyon with goldfields.