Adventures in Technology, Part II
Post date: Sep 18, 2016 2:23:28 AM
I think where I left off with Part I, we had installed and re-installed various antennas (antennae?). The signal amplifier works well and we can use our phones at several places in the house, whereas before we could only phone out and receive phone calls from a certain spot upstairs. I have found, the stairwell works well and is convenient since I can sit on the steps. We can text even with one or two bars (spots) and texting is fun. We have unlimited texting as well as unlimited phone calls, our "data" is limited to 2 GB per month but we have carryover. Needless to say I am writing this on the laptop using WiFi not on the phone. The keyboard on the phone is really tiny so couldn't be used for this. Hence Instagram with short captions, more about Instagram later.
One funny thing, the company that provides our phone etc. service initially got our address incorrect. When they shipped our phones, they were addressed not only to the wrong address but also to an address that doesn't exist. Eventually the phones found us, our road has so few residences - mainly large ranches each with only one or two homes - FedEx knows where we live, and we got them. I called the company, and was assured the address was corrected. First bill arrived sent to the nonexistent address. Called again. Assured the correction was made. Second bill arrived, sent to the same nonexistent address. Called again. Assured the correction was made. Waiting for the third bill or other correspondence. Fortunately the post office also knows where we live. Would hate to have our credit rating ruined because of silliness.
We have Instagram, follow us! at @blueoakcanyonranch. I put our website on the Instagram profile but haven't figured out how to put the little camera icon on our website home page. Maybe later.
Today, for a short time, my smart phone told me we had no service. The signal amplifier was fine, on, all lights green except the first light which was blinking red and green and that doesn't, we have been told, matter as that is the light for WiFi which we have a satellite dish for internet access. Anyway, the fault didn't seem to be in our part of the system and pretty soon service returned.
O my blog, how I've neglected you! This Instagram thing is so easy, once I remember to carry my smart phone with me everywhere and take photos with it. I've noticed, lots of folks USE Instagram AS their blog, with wonderful photos and long beautiful captions. Entirely appropriate. I hope to keep my captions short, since I have a blog for longer essays and messages. Such as this.
The c key on my laptop is sticky.
Will try to write more interesting blogs, with photos and videos of real stuff, such as sheep and chickens and sunsets.