Thoughts on the Passage of Time
Post date: Nov 14, 2015 12:15:19 AM
Has it really been so long since I last posted????!!!! We've been busy doing so I have not been so busy writing. Time goes so fast now, seems like Thanksgiving and Christmas 2014 were only a few weeks ago, here it is less than 2 weeks till Thanksgiving 2015 with Christmas right behind that. I remember as a child how long it seemed between summer vacation to summer vacation next, now the months and years whiz by. Think of a 5 year old, a year is 1/5 of that child's life. For a 10-year old, a year is 1/10 of that child's life. For someone 50 years old, a year is 1/50 of that person's life which is a small fraction. For someone 100 years old...
A lot is going on, and has been going on, and I will write more later...