Not So Wild Flowers 1
Post date: Apr 12, 2016 5:1:34 PM
All kinds of flowers blooming... as well as wild, we have domestic (is that the right term?) flowers. The ones shown here are from the late winter/early spring season, from late February to late March. More flowers to come, surely, this spring and summer.
Below, grape hyacinths and miniature daffodils, in the back yard, along with an idea of what to do with an old wheelbarrow once it no longer rolls without falling apart! Actually looks rather nice, rustic, rusted, and weathered, and works as a planter for small shallow-rooted plants.
Below - peach trees in bloom. This was late February - as of now, there are tiny fuzzy green peaches.
The Asian pear tree, in full bloom, in mid March. So elegant!
Above, a red-flowered salvia in the front yard - photo a little blurry, sorry. What a color though.
This is the first of several not-so-wildflower posts - some photos still in the camera. More to come!