Transitional Climate Beneficial

Post date: Feb 19, 2020 9:16:49 PM

Blue Oak Canyon Ranch, home of many Santa Cruz Island sheep, as well as other critters, has been accepted into Fibershed's Transitional Climate Beneficial program. This means that all our wool and fiber, and products made from those, are and are "made from the fiber of animals that are grazed on managed landscapes in a system transitioning to Carbon Farming." Big step for us, but a natural step. At the present time, mainly we are employing targeted grazing using our sheep. Targeted grazing looks like this:

on the grasslands (before, left; after, right)

and on the woodland/brush lands targeted grazing is like this:


The goals are to remove carbon from the atmosphere and put it into vegetation and soil, and to reduce wildfire fuel load. Those are the targets. As well the process works to feed the sheep and give them new "scenery" from time to time. Happy sheep.

The saga continues. We are beginning work on a Carbon Farm Plan.