Santa Cruz Island Lamb Update
Post date: Jul 27, 2016 3:40:36 PM
Lambs are growing, doing well, considering how extremely hot it has been! Our high temp yesterday was 115. We have not yet combined the flocks, but are feeding both flocks close to the fence that separates them. We are waiting for 7 of 9's twins to grow up a bit more - so they don't get trampled during feeding time! Both flocks talk to each other through the fence, and Ponyo, one of last year's lambs (she is a big sturdy yearling now) sticks her head through the openings in the fence - she wants to see the babies.
Here are a few photos of the SCI
lambs, with some of the mothers in the photos, taken yesterday.
(good photo of the fence, anyway.)
Here is a photo of Twelve, and below that, a couple photos of Twelve and Fourteen. Twelve is the sire of a few of this year's lambs, and Fourteen (we didn't use him for breeding last time since he was still recovering from a broken leg) is his "roommate."