Butch Cassidy and His Harem

Post date: Feb 19, 2016 5:44:1 PM

Of course we have some ewes in with Butch Cassidy, one of our senior Santa Cruz Island rams. Butch was part of our original starter flock, Marion Stanley line, and has proved himself to be the sire of very nice lambs. We put five ewes in with him, including senior ewes Dutchess and 7 of 9 (both of whom have twinned in the past; 7 of 9 is the mother of Swallow who now lives in Stinson Beach, Black Rock Ranch, with Sandra and Rob Guidi, and Swallow's twin brother Swift). And for sure we are hoping for ewe lambs this spring.

The photo below shows Butch closer up, of course he moved his head just when I took the photo. The photo below that one shows Butch flirting with a ewe outside the fence. We decided not to breed her this year because she was thin after raising a 2015 lamb but she has other ideas.

And the photo below this shows Butch and his harem with the western pasture-barley field behind them.

Give us girls, Butch!