Twelve and His Harem
Post date: Feb 05, 2016 7:42:32 PM
We put four ewes in with Twelve, our smallest ram and also he is a young ram, and hopefully we will get some ewe-lambs this spring! In the first photo Lucia is on the far left, Margarita is lying down next to Twelve, the dark brown ewe is Nina, and the white one on her right is I forget who (the white ones mostly look alike, and I DO have it written down). There are some Narragansett turkeys in the background. The second photo shows Margarita with her spotted legs, Twelve showing you his nice spiral horns, Nina, and white ewe. We lamb late, since I work at Cal Poly full time + until late March, and we need to shear the sheep and that is definitely a two-person job. Also I like to be around during lambing. Wouldn't miss it. Nerve-racking but wonderfully exciting. Of course these are all Santa Cruz Island sheep!